Schiavo Neurologist Cranford & Alzheimer’s

April 4, 2005

The Canada Free Press is reporting that:

Years before he categorized Terri Schindler Schiavo in the persistent vegetative state, which led to her death by dehydration, neurologist Dr. Ronald Cranford was building the case for removing feeding tubes from society’s vulnerable.

But read on:

The United States has thousands or tens of thousands of patients in vegetative states; nobody knows for sure exactly how many,” Cranford wrote in a 1997 Minneapolis Star Tribune opinion piece titled: When a feeding tube borders on the barbaric. (WorldNetDaily. Com, March 23, 2005). “But before long, this country will have several million patients with Alzheimer’s dementia. The challenges and costs of maintaining vegetative state patients will pale in comparison to the problems presented by Alzheimer’s disease.

“The answer, he suggested, was physician-assisted suicide.”

A little more:

Could it be no-food-no-water, white-coated doctors, propelled by right-to-die activism, that is shaking the public’s confidence in today’s medical profession?

Alleged to have participated in states like California without courtesy of a legal license, Cranford openly applauds European values that embrace euthanasia. Countries like Belgium, where experts believe that 10 percent of all deaths now result from euthanasia or by drugs administered by doctors to hasten death.

The neurologist, who is a member of the board of directors of the Choice in Dying Society, worries how modern medicine offers a great potential for prolonging a dehumanizing existence for the patient.

Guess the Hippocratic oath was lost on him.

He blames “right-to-lifers” and “disability groups” for discouraging families from making the choice for euthanasia.

Cranford, right-to-die attorney George Felos and Florida circuit Judge George Greer are the three amigos, whose successful mission to deprive Terri Schiavo of food and water, ended in her death.

If Cranford views several million Alzheimer patients as grounds for physician-assisted “suicide”, which group will he nominate next?

I suppose it’s just a coincidence that the humane, compassionate Michael Schiavo picked Cranford and Felos as his experts, so to speak.
