Hillary Showing True Colors: A Positive Sign

February 25, 2005

My column today discusses Hillary Clinton’s calculated makeover and how I’m a little more worried than I used to be about her electability. I must say, however, that stories like this one in Newsmax make me feel much better. This irrepressibly presumptuous woman had the audacity to stick her nose into Iraqi internal politics and the Iraqi leader she criticized took a piece of it.

From Newsmax:

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has caused an international incident after she criticized Iraq’s leading candidate to become prime minister as a result of last month’s historic election, prompting a sharp rebuke.

“Hillary Clinton, as far as I know, does not represent any political decision or the American administration, and I don’t know why she said this,” Dr. Ibrahim Jafari, who is expected to become prime minister, told the Times of London on Thursday.

“She knows nothing about the Iraqi situation,” he added.

This is the thing about certain politicians. They feel they have to comment on everything, as they are always trying to grab headlines and make themselves relevant. I’ll bet ole Hillary didn’t count on pulling back a bloody stub, but this is sweet music to my ears. Yes, this is the Hillary we know and love. This is the Hillary who must be exposed between now and 2008.

In the meantime, I’m sure the Old Media would prefer to focus on President Bush’s humorous faux pas in greeting top Slovak officials with a “gloved” handshake. Hat Tip: Lucianne.
