Lorie Byrd’s Update on Molly Kate

November 24, 2004

My friend Lorie Byrd, who contributes at the excellent Polipundit, has her own personal blog as well: Byrd Droppings.

Lorie e-mailed me a heads up to her recent post concerning Molly Kate Wilkinson, a young girl, who because of a very serious medical condition, has had about 50 brain surgeries. Molly Kate had terrible difficulties with seizures following her most recent surgery. But she apparently turned the corner about the time she found out on November 3rd, that a man she admires greatly, George W. Bush, had been re-elected.

You see, Molly Kate, was one of a number of young people with medical problems and disabilities who President Bush hosted at the White House without fanfare and without the media. Molly Kate’s mother wrote to Lorie, following an earlier post Lorie entered on Molly Kate, to tell Lorie that she sincerely “wanted the story of the President’s kind and thoughtful behavior when the press isn’t around to be known.”

Please read Lorie’s post and follow the related links (including one to “Betsy’s Page” for the story of Molly Kate’s meeting with President Bush) for a very uplifting story both about Molly Kate, and President Bush. It’s quite a fitting story as we enter this Thanksgiving weekend.
